Outpost Transmissions - Volume 10
6:40 PM
American Politics,
Pop Culture,
Quirky News

Right out of the oven:
An uncharacteristically photogenic Akon pleads not guilty to fan-tossing charges despite lawyer's claim that it was a "spontaneous reaction during a live concert that Akon deeply regrets." Hmmmmm, interesting defense strategy...Montel Williams makes his demolitions expertise public knowledge by threatening to blow up newspaper intern, staff...Damn, can't W get anything right?! (and, by the way, someone needs to get Tony Blair on some serious drugs cuz its evident from this Barney-cam train wreck that he's in denial about the whole getting-kicked-out-of-office-
thanks-to-his-affiliation-with-Bush "thing")...Interesting Kangaroo factoid of the week: they can swim, they just can't box and swim at the same time...Interesting masturbation-accident factoid of the week: if you get a big metal ring stuck around Mr. Johnson, try using a hand grinder...Reason 537 to never go hang-gliding, followed closely by reason 538...And finally, Bishop Thomas Ray Clute shows vandals who's boss by restoring his oft vandalized holiday display: "It's very vulgar some of the things they do with the stuff and write on it, but I just tell them and we come back. We replace it all and make it look like it never happened" - I'm taking a wild guess that this guy has never done any of the following: thrown darts, taken target practice, shopped at Target, seen the film Targets...
thanks-to-his-affiliation-with-Bush "thing")...Interesting Kangaroo factoid of the week: they can swim, they just can't box and swim at the same time...Interesting masturbation-accident factoid of the week: if you get a big metal ring stuck around Mr. Johnson, try using a hand grinder...Reason 537 to never go hang-gliding, followed closely by reason 538...And finally, Bishop Thomas Ray Clute shows vandals who's boss by restoring his oft vandalized holiday display: "It's very vulgar some of the things they do with the stuff and write on it, but I just tell them and we come back. We replace it all and make it look like it never happened" - I'm taking a wild guess that this guy has never done any of the following: thrown darts, taken target practice, shopped at Target, seen the film Targets...
The "I wanted to throw up after that Barney-cam thing, but then I came across this" moment of the week:
So, for those of you that read my last post indicting pop stars for their willingness to hawk anything and everything for money, I present as corroborative evidence, verbatim, the latest fragrance copy for "L", the new frangrance "developed" by former punk-rebel-shit kicker and current poser-sell-out-and-apparent-chemist, Gwen Stefani (emphasis and observations added):
"Dillard's is pleased to introduce L, the new L.A.M.B. fragrance by Gwen Stefani. The iconic style of Gwen Stefani pushes boundaries beyond music and fashion (Ozzy Osbourne pushes the boundaries beyond music and fashion...) in this debut scent. The signature fragrance is a masculine and feminine fusion (Ooooo, sounds too intersting to ignore, truly ground breaking!). The luscious floral scent is bursting with sparkling freshness and notes of watery greens, and wraps you in the warmth of sensual musks (Are we buying perfume or getting a spa treatment?). L, a L.A.M.B. fragrance by Gwen Stafani, is available as eau de parfum spray, shower gel, and body lotion (Of course it comes in all 3 - America is all about options!) at Dillard's, dillards.com, or by calling 800-345-5273." (Courtesy of, Vanity Fair, November 2007, p. 32)
Wow. Disturbing is, I think, a pretty apt word for this...
You should check out:
Hidden Shoal Recordings (http://www.hiddenshoal.com/); bad ass bands, bad ass downloads and bad ass art work...of particular interest should be Monocle's Outer Sunset - two words: Spooky, Killer
I very much enjoy your "Less Than Zero" photo.
"It'll be great-- we'll all go down together!!!"
So I guess everything's Gwen-- I don't think so?
I hope that all is well with you! I am sorry I missed Sunday stuff.
Did you notice that the story on Akon stated that he pleaded "not" to the charges filed against him? I just picture Borat saying "I am guilty... NOOOOOT!" I guess the Associated Press editorial staff must be victimized by the dumbing down as much as everyone else.
With the kangaroo story, I keep thinking of that old SNL skit about the Land Shark. Odd.
Congrats to the Smoking Cupcake on his new situation! He made a wise choice!